Baked Goods

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Luck O’ the Irish by Elizabeth Brown, MS, RD

Celtic Traditions   When people meet me, they often assume, because of my red hair, that I’m Irish. I usually let them know that I am not Irish, but Scottish. “What’s the difference?” they always say. Well, to my Scottish grandfather, Archie MacMillan, there’s a difference because he emigrated from Scotland not Ireland, in 1921….

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Holiday Wishes by Elizabeth Brown. MS, RD

Dear Santa,For Christmas I would like an official Red Ryder carbine action two-hundred shot range model air rifle with a compass in the stock and this thing that tells time. Oh, no, that was on Ralphie’s wish list. Besides, I had a BB gun and a bow and arrow when I was a kid. It…

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Give thanks for the Cranberry by Elizabeth Brown, MS, RD

Thank you cranberries, for all you do As Thanksgiving approaches, we will soon be sitting down with loved ones to reflect on the goodness this past year has brought us. This year I am thankful for a healthy urinary tract because I have discovered the virtues of the cranberry Cranberries are said to acidify urine…