Chicken OMAD & a Smoothie

It’s hard to believe you can meet all of your nutrient needs in One Meal a Day & a Smoothie, but you can. If you follow my lead.
I decided to try to eat One Meal a Day (O.M.A.D.) plus a Smoothie, in order to simplify my life & share some simple recipes with whomever is watching & listening.
So far, so good.
I’m having fun creating my simple cooking videos while sharing stories of my own journey to have a cooking show.
I guess, technically, I DO have a cooking show.
My upcoming episodes also include a fitness segment which I’ll be posting separately.
I’m still trying to decide if I’ll post both the cooking & fitness segments on the same day, or spread them out over two days.
I very much believe in the “organic” process in life; whether in food, fitness, or my life’s journey.
So let’s see what happens next on
“The Kitchen Vixen with Elizabeth Brown”

Today’s recipe, simple sautéed chicken 🍗 with butter 🧈 & buffalo 🐃 sauce, plus purple onion 🧅 broccoli 🥦 mushrooms 🍄 & rice 🍚
SMOOTHIE: 2 scoops protein powder + 1 Tbsp each Sunflower, Sesame & Pumpkin seeds + 1 Tbsp Nutritional Yeast & Molasses & Creatine + 1 Cup strawberries 🍓 & 1-2 cups water. Blend & ENJOY!!
120g Protein TOTAL

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