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Anti-Masturbation Diet by Elizabeth Brown, MS, RD

A Conversation Starter During my culinary training, my classmates and I were making a dessert using graham crackers when one of my classmates, who always had interesting trivia tidbits for every occasion, said, “You know that graham crackers were developed to keep boys from masturbating.” I thought this was a hilarious fact. I vowed that…

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E is for Ellen by Elizabeth Brown, MS, RD

E/Ellen: vital to life Eighty-seven years ago vitamin E was discovered and 36 years later Ellen DeGeneres was born. I don’t know the exact birthday of vitamin E, but Ellen’s B-day is Monday, January 26th. Happy Birthday, Ellen! Aside from the letter E, why the comparison? Well, both Ellen and vitamin E are essential to…

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Stop Tripping on Tryptophan by Elizabeth Brown, MS, RD

The turkey made me do it It’s been more than a week since we all indulged on turkey and then promptly fell asleep. So if you’re still blaming the turkey for your post-meal fatigue, you can forget it. First of all, you should not have been eating leftovers beyond Sunday. The life of cooked turkey…

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NOT a Dagwood Special by Elizabeth Brown, MS, RD

Packing the perfect power lunchMy mom reminds me that when I was in grade school, for lunch I would eat half a cheese sandwich with mayo or bologna with catsup or a tuna sanwich. She finds this amusing because I eat so differently these days. I still love tuna but opt for troll caught tuna…

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Buttering Up Corn by Elizabeth Brown, MS, RD

I C by your hue you have amazing health benefits While celebrating Labor Day at work, we were given the typical picnic fare—hot dogs, burgers, mayonnaise rich salads and corn on the cob. Ah-ha, now there’s something I can really sink my teeth into. Corn on the cob, I’ve been eating it my whole life,…

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A Real Love Affair with a Mango by Elizabeth Brown, MS, RD

An ode to the mango Le Sumba el Mango. While researching mangoes, I found that expression on Babalu Blog. I asked a Cuban gentleman, who is near and dear to my heart, what it means. He said “Sumbar means to buzz, such as in your ears, but the expression is that the mango overwhelms you.”…

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Loving Away a Summer Cold by Elizabeth Brown, MS, RD

Chicken Soup for the Cold published on pg. 7 of the SMDP newspaper weekend edition, May 17-18, 2008; click link for original article   It was spring but it felt like a summer cold. I lost my voice completely. For a while I had that kind of sexy, throaty voice that’s fun to have for…