Whole Grains

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Stop Tripping on Tryptophan by Elizabeth Brown, MS, RD

The turkey made me do it It’s been more than a week since we all indulged on turkey and then promptly fell asleep. So if you’re still blaming the turkey for your post-meal fatigue, you can forget it. First of all, you should not have been eating leftovers beyond Sunday. The life of cooked turkey…

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Give thanks for the Cranberry by Elizabeth Brown, MS, RD

Thank you cranberries, for all you do As Thanksgiving approaches, we will soon be sitting down with loved ones to reflect on the goodness this past year has brought us. This year I am thankful for a healthy urinary tract because I have discovered the virtues of the cranberry Cranberries are said to acidify urine…

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Finding middle ground by Elizabeth Brown, MS, RD

And the winner is…Now that the election is over and we have a new president perhaps we can once again focus on ourselves. As much as we want a leader to save our economy, provide affordable healthcare and protect our soil, ultimately we have to take some personal responsibility, especially for our health. Since you…

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Beans, beans are good for your heart…by Elizabeth Brown, MS, Rd

Be all you can beans “Beans, beans are good for your heart…” We know beans are a healthy food but difficult to digest. Why are they troublesome, and how can we make things better? During a recent visit to Texas, I was inspired to make chili—the national dish of Texas. They even have chili cook-offs….

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Buttering Up Corn by Elizabeth Brown, MS, RD

I C by your hue you have amazing health benefits While celebrating Labor Day at work, we were given the typical picnic fare—hot dogs, burgers, mayonnaise rich salads and corn on the cob. Ah-ha, now there’s something I can really sink my teeth into. Corn on the cob, I’ve been eating it my whole life,…

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Breakfast of Champions by Elizabeth Brown, MS, RD

What DOES a champion eat? “New knowledge is the most valuable commodity we have on earth,” Kurt Vonnegut, Breakfast of Champions Breakfast: three fried egg sandwiches with fried onions and mayonnaise, one five-egg omelet, a bowl of grits, three slices of French toast with powdered sugar, three chocolate chip pancakes and two cups of coffee….

Sex & the City Popcorn by Elizabeth Brown, MS, RD
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Sex & the City Popcorn by Elizabeth Brown, MS, RD

Movie Theater Popcorn Make-Over Published on pg. 7 of the SMDP Newspaper Weekend Edition, June 14-15, 2008; click link for original article   I did not watch Sex and the City when it first aired although I knew about the hype of this show where Carrie (Sara Jessica Parker) wrote a column about her dating…

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Quinoa & Brown Rice Cakes by Elizabeth Brown, MS, RD

Nearly perfect Published on pg.7 of the SMDP newspaper, weekend edition May 3-4, 2008: click link for original article   Repeat after me everyone…   KEEN-wah. That is the phonetic spelling for this word, quinoa. I know, it looks like Kwin- No-Ah and that is exactly how I pronounced it when I first discovered it…