Kitchen Vixen

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The Key to Weight Loss by Elizabeth Brown, MS, RD

Water, Water everywhere… We flock to the beach for one big reason. It’s the biggest reason in the world actually, comprising 70% of the earth’s surface and, ideally, up to 70% of your body weight. It’s water, the most essential element of life. Every single person, plant, animal and living, breathing, creature needs it. You…

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Who’s Herb Slaw? by Elizabeth Brown, MS, RD

Pickin’ Picnic Fixins’ Someone was describing their typical picnic fare, from charred hot dogs and burgers to mayonnaise-laden salads and baked goods. Maybe it’s the celebration mode of picnics which causes people to bring high calorie comfort foods. But if picnics are a time to gather and celebrate with loved ones then by all means…

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Fizzy drinks do more than make you BURP! by Elizabeth Brown, MS, RD

Drink this for more intelligence! This past week was Fruit and Veggie Week. International Splurge Day was June 18th which is the same day as International Panic Day. If you splurged on fruit and veggies this week, then you have no need to panic. If you splurged on less “healthful” options, then hopefully you recognized…

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Mmmm, Fermented Foods! by Elizabeth Brown, MS, RD

Eat a BUG! Last week we explored some of the rationale for probiotics, something people often take in supplement form after ingesting antibiotics. Interestingly, probiotics means “for life” and antibiotics means “against life.” Since probiotic (good bacteria) research is fairly new and since not all good bacteria have been thoroughly studied, it is unlikely that…

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Friendly Gut Bugs by Elizabeth Brown, MS, RD

Probiotics for the health of it! After a bout of antibiotic therapy for a sinus infection, I have been researching the benefits of probiotics, also known as “friendly bacteria.” Although we think of probiotics as the stuff we get in yogurt or from probiotic supplements, we actually have tons of friendly bacteria living in our…

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A rhyme a day keeps the excess pounds away! by Elizabeth Brown, MS, RD

Beans, Greens, Eggs and Jeans?! I’ve been helping people lose weight and get in shape for more than 22 years. I’ve seen clients who have spent hundreds and thousands of dollars on weight loss products, surgery and exercise equipment. But the things I advocate most for achieving a healthy weight are actually quite simple and…

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You Gotta Have Friends by Elizabeth Brown, MS, RD

Best Friends Forever I have been on the East Coast for the past week visiting friends and family who I have not seen in several years. I’ve known most of my friends over 25 years. This is difficult to believe since I feel like I’m only 25 years old. But it’s been fun to see…

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Eat now, exercise later by Elizabeth Brown, MS, RD

Eat right after exercise for optimal energy When you hear the theme song from Rocky what images does it conjure? I see the Philadelphia art museum steps which I ran up at the beginning, but not at the end of the Philadelphia marathon. I see a thick grey sweat suit not ideal for exercise. And…

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What’s in a name? by Elizabeth Brown, MS, RD

Nutritional What? (“Singing the Praises of Nutritional Yeast” originally published in the April 25, 2009 edition of the Santa Monica Press Daily Newspaper) And Reference in the Wikipedia Nutritional Yeast post. While hiking in Vermont, I stumbled upon this quaint little movie theater in Montpelier, the capital. They serve popcorn made with real butter, sea…

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Just the Flax Ma’am by Elizabeth Brown, MS, RD

The Facts on FlaxWhen humans were hunter-gatherers, death from chronic disease was unheard of partly because their diets were equally rich in omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. Today Americans consume a diet that on average contains 17 grams of omega-6 for every one gram of omega-3 fatty acids. In Japan, residents consume a diet that…